Monday, May 4, 2009

What time is it?

Alright we've been jam packed on our adventure and we are still adjusting to the time zone.

Our day in Addis was spent seeing the city on the way to the hotel. We went for Pizza at Metro Pizza and enjoyed it thoroughly. Half way around the world for pizza but it's kind of authentic. Let me explain... the Italians occupied Ethiopia for about 5 years around WW2 and that has a big influence on the food. Spaghetti is actually served quite a bit so it counts right?. During lunch Max fell asleep and we took him to the room. Ann stayed with him and my mom and I went for a walk around the Hotel. We saw a lot of goats and cows sharing the road with the many cars and people walking everywhere. Some roads were dirt and some were not. Shortly into our walk, my mom nearly stepped on some goat guts in the road and screamed causing the drivers to laugh. The hotel and the orphanage grounds, where we will be staying during the "adoption week", is where a lot of embassy people live so therefore we saw a lot of nicer homes. The rest of the night was spent repacking/ separating the donations to be stored at this hotel and the stuff we are taking on the trip to see the country. Max woke up at 11:30pm which is 9:30am in Phoenix and was done sleeping ready to go. Ann stayed up playing tic tac toe for an hour then I relieved her and played with him until 4:15am when we all got up for the day. We have a driver taking us to the airport at 5am for our standby flight to Barar Dar. ---Ty

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