Saturday, March 7, 2009

What an orphanage is like

My sister sent me this footage of a orphanage in Ethiopia. As we were looking into adopting and where we wanted to adopt from, we were drawn to Ethiopia. Ethiopia is a very loving and family oriented country. Both Ann and i feel that is so important escpecilly in the early years to have that and wanted that for our kids. I think that you can see that in this video, They don't have much but are loved and are happy. This is not the orphanage where our kids are. The other video is an example of a family and there experience. needless to say we can't wait to meet our boys.


  1. Hey Ty- I would like a little more info/insight into what you are feeling and thinking as you wait for your boys. What do you invision life will be like when they come? What is your biggest fear and greatest hope? What do you think their personalities will be like? Do you already feel connected to them or do you think that takes time? Let us into your brain...

  2. that second video was awesome... and heartbreaking. i love how happy they seem - almost like they are just in boarding school. but knowing that they are orphaned and have no one except each other kills me. you are amazing - and your boys are blessed to get you - as you are them. i can't wait for them to get here.
