We got our monthly weights for the boys
Now weighs 3.65 kg which equals 8lb 1oz
he is 52.5 cm which is 20 1/2 in
Now weighs 4kg which equals 8lb 13oz
he is now 21 1/4 in
In talking with our agency Ethiopian babies gain weight a little slower than American babies. She said 1/2 to 1 pound is normal. They both gained a pound which is great.
I also heard a rumor that the 2nd judge hears adoption cases that was on maternity leave is back so hopefully that will help their workloads and help our wait time. Our case is still scheduled for April 3rd and we will know a lot more info then. Until then the only updates we get are the monthly weigh ins or if there is a problem so all is good. Sure do wish we would get some pictures in the monthly update.