Friday, February 6, 2009

weight update

We got their weights for the 2nd month and they are
Fetene(the first one)
12/30/08 3.00 kg 49cm
2/1/09 3.09 kg 51.5 cm that translates to 6.8 lbs and 20.3 in

12/30/08 2.85kg 51 cm
2/1/09 3.54kg 53 cm that translates to 7.79 lbs and 20.9 in

I emailed them about the weight gain as i was concerned about lack of weight. My specialist emailed the doctor about it and also that typical ethiopian babies gain 1/2 to 1 pound. The doctor emailed her back this:
Fetene Petros is taking his milk well. He is healthy that is he doesn't have diarrhoea or other illness. I was going to e-mail you about the problem he has. He tilts his head towards left side and he is going to be evaluated for torticolis by pediatric surgeon. I will let you know the conclusion. Dr Selam
Here is a link on it
I also took the info to our pediatrician who didn't seem to concerned about the torticolis but a little concerned about the lack of weight gain.

1 comment:

  1. My nephew Sam (Meghan's boy twin) had torticollis and went to physical therapy for a couple months to fx it. If you want more info I could have her contact you
