Wednesday, February 11, 2009

New weights

This is the email reply from the Dr. in Ethiopia. I don't know why the difference but i'm happy and it sounds like they are doing great.

Hi Ty and Annabelle. Here are new measurements that were taken via a request over Fetene's weight. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

Here is Dr. Selam's reply:-

"Fetene's current measurement(February-10-2009).
Head circumference-37.5cm

Wesagn's measurement
Wt-3.77 kg
Head circumference-38.5cm

Both are doing well."

here are the English conversions


weight 7.59 lbs

height 20.9 in


weight 8.29 lbs

Height 21.7


  1. What a journey your family will be having...I sure hope it goes well. Love the pictures and glad you joined the blogging world so I can keep up with the Barlows! (Dennis is the pits in relaying family news...or any news except if I have to go to a church meeting with him - then he remembers to tell me..)
    Can't wait til you have them in your arms... and the adoption is complete. I have been on the receiving end of adoption and there is a joy that only those that go through it know... I will always be eternally blessed from Jamee's birth"mom"...

    We will keep you in our prayers and hope all goes well.

    Love ya

  2. Good job Barlow's. Love from Centerville from the Dye's. Hope your all doing well, get in touch with me when your in Salt Lake.

  3. ty & ann,
    i just found you and i am so happy! angel told us about the twins and i am thrilled - they look to be doing well. i am sure you are going nuts waiting. i love them - they are so sweet. i can't wait to meet them someday.
    our prayers are with you and wish you all the luck.

  4. so excited for you guys, max is going to be such a GREAT big brother!
