Today our guide met us and took us to the hotel. Addis has about 4.5 million people in it and the driving is pretty crazy with an "every man for himself" mentality. There are no traffic lights due to sporadic power outages and the roads are in rough shape as well. The begging has already started to get to us a little, as they come right up to the taxi with there big beautiful eyes sometimes carrying a baby. The people are absolutely gorgeous, their eyes are stunning and they have all been extremely kind. We feel very safe here which is a big relief to my parents. Max has been a big hit with his large personality and red hair. Tomorrow we are off to Bahar Dar to see the Blue Nile falls and renew our wedding vows. I can't wait.
The rumor is true that blogspot does not work here so my sister Angel will have to update it through email. I can't see it until i get back so hopefully it works.
glad you made it safely. have fun!