Sunday, March 8, 2009

Max's song about his new brothers

I'm trying to figure out this video thing and you tube/blog thing. It was a good thing i was hired for my body and not my brain. so this may not work. Any way this is on the day we found out that we were the proud parents of twins. We ran over to Max's school and picked him up early and this is the ride home. I think we were all doing a song and dance.I don't know how to edit or make all fancy yet But his song is kind of funny. I feel kind of like when Ann was pregnant with Max where i couldn't wait for the next Dr. apt. I am as excited about getting the boys as waiting for Max to be born and some of you know how that was. following the daily growth chart emailing updates, tape recording heart beats, Forcing Ann to listen to classical music 24hrs a day, giving her a time to drink a certain amount of water each day. Basically just obsessing. Its kind of the same way now without being close. everyone i talk to say the care is unbelievable but it is hard not being there.


  1. How cute is he? I love that you caught his excitement (and Ty's) on tape. What a treasure!

  2. So I just watched this again and love it even more. I love how a 6 year olds thoughts go to how there will be 2 birthday cakes and the pure joy he feels that they will all be able to share milk. Simple pleasures of life. I'm totally "key'd, stoked, and psyched" (all Ty lingo) for your little, soon to be big, family
